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What is Courtney’s SAFE Place?

Courtney’s SAFE Place is a free clinic that provides forensic exams, evidence collection, and advocacy for people who have experienced sexual assault within the last 120 hours. Referrals for counseling, legal services, follow up medical care, and shelter are also available.

Who does Courtney’s SAFE Place care for?

Courtney’s SAFE Place cares for adults ages 17 and up, of all genders, who are not currently under the influence of intoxicants, in need of emergency hospital services, or emergency psychiatric services. If you have questions about the appropriateness of care at Courtney's SAFE Place, please call 1-800-886-7273.

If an adult (18 and older) sexual assault victim is not ready to get police involved, she or he still has the option to have a sexual assault examination conducted. No police report is required.

Who provides care at Courtney’s SAFE Place?

Courtney’s SAFE Place is staffed with sexual assault forensic examiners (SAFEs) and advocates. All staff have received extensive training in trauma-informed care and treat patients with respect and dignity.

Where is Courtney’s SAFE Place located and when is it open?

Courtney’s SAFE Place is located at 3325 Silverstone Dr, Plano TX. We are open from 9 AM to 5 PM, Monday through Friday. Appointments are required for those needing to be seen outside of our office hours. 

Call our 24x7 Sexual Assault Hotline at 1-800-886-7273 to make an appointment.   Appointments are available 24x7.

Why is there a need for Courtney’s SAFE Place?

In the state of Texas, 2 in 5 women and 1 in 5 men will experience sexual assault, and nationally, 1 in 2 transgender persons will experience sexual assault. Courtney’s SAFE Place is a place where survivors can have an exam free of charge, feel safe, comfortable, and avoid long wait times commonly associated with hospitals. Courtney’s SAFE Place also connects people with helpful follow up services.


3325 Silverstone Dr

Plano, TX 75023

24 hr Sexual Assault hotline: 

(800) 886-7273

Office (972) 985-0951

Fax (972) 612-2582

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The Turning Point assists sexual violence survivors—regardless of sex, gender identity, race, physical/developmental disabilities, income, ethnicity, class, religion, sexual orientation, and former/current engagement with sex work. We provide information in English and Spanish, as well as interpretation services in most other languages upon request

In-person crisis and advocacy services are available monday-thursday from 9am-5pm and friday from 9am-3pm.
Please call our 24 hour Sexual Assault hotline for assistance: 1-800-886-7273

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