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Sexual Assault Response Team

SARTs are committed to victims' rights and needs, by organizing their service delivery to enhance evidence collection, and by educating the community about services available for the intervention and prevention of sexual assault (National Center for the Prosecution on Violence Against Women, 1998).

The SART is typically composed of:


  • Rape Crisis Centers

  • Victim Advocates

  • Law Enforcement

  • Hospital Personnel

  • Forensic Examiners

  • Forensic Scientists

  • Prosecutors

  • Any respondent who encounters survivors of sexual assault


Collin County SART is a multidisciplinary team working together to develop protocols and guidelines that focus on victims' needs through collaboration and a shared mission.


Research has shown that the collaboration of team members leads to increased reporting and conviction rates.  

If you are a community partner and you are interested in joining the Collin County SART, please contact us at


3325 Silverstone Dr

Plano, TX 75023

24 hr Sexual Assault hotline: 

(800) 886-7273

Office (972) 985-0951

Fax (972) 612-2582

  • Facebook
  • Instagram
  • Twitter

The Turning Point assists sexual violence survivors—regardless of sex, gender identity, race, physical/developmental disabilities, income, ethnicity, class, religion, sexual orientation, and former/current engagement with sex work. We provide information in English and Spanish, as well as interpretation services in most other languages upon request

In-person crisis and advocacy services are available monday-thursday from 9am-5pm and friday from 9am-3pm.
Please call our 24 hour Sexual Assault hotline for assistance: 1-800-886-7273

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